Michael Jordan will shed light on personal data stores; we’ll use the full Bulls team to illustrate data cooperatives, and coach Jackson will help us describe data trusts.
UNDP AltFinLab and UNDP Lebanon have created a system solution and technical platform together with the Social Impact Network. The platform, built during the DLT4EU accelerator program, can support the recovery of Lebanon, particularly to provide sustainable energy to facilities such as hospitals and schools, by providing access to funds that would be used to build solar PV plants.
UNDP AltFinLab explains their Track-and-Trace project, led under the DLT4EU accelerator programme, and addresses how the application of DLTs help solve societal and environmental challenges in Morocco.
Crises create opportunities, and we created one, LiveLebanon, in October 2009 by bringing citizens, the diaspora, and the private sector together to find solutions to the problems we were facing.
Agorà is a City Transformation Portfolio — a template that can be applied in any city system for designing and managing pandemic response and renewal plans aiming for urban transformation.
UNDP Europe and Central Asia launched a new videocast series on using systems thinking to solve development challenges. In this opening episode of the series on agorà, Nora Bateson and Luca Gatti discuss how we unpack complexity in societies and demonstrate its relevance through new ways of working in development.
In this post, we’re diving deeper into the question of how to exercise control over one’s data, how such ‘control taking' would work in practice, who should be at the center of the process, and if third parties can play an active role in helping people take control of ‘their’ data.
In this post we’re looking at ways to ‘do’ data empowerment. Our aim is to provide those who design, implement, evaluate or fund data for development initiatives with practical guidance on data empowerment.
UNDP and Islamic Development Bank launched a renewed action plan to strengthen collaboration in support of national efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.