Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy

The Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy is an interactive training program that empowers and builds the capacities of organizations to gain the necessary knowledge and skills on how to prepare and run a successful crowdfunding campaign.

The program is intended for civil society organizations that want to start, expand, or rebuild their businesses using online tools and innovative methodologies. Through interactive modules and tools, organizations will learn how to create elements of crowdfunding campaigns so that in the end, they will be able to launch their crowdfunding campaign. Organizations will have a chance to work with top crowdfunding experts from around the world who will offer guidance and feedback.

By the end of the training, organizations would have developed elements such as communication strategy, visual and textual elements, rewards, etc which will enable them to launch their crowdfunding campaign. The training is run entirely online, but depending on the Covid-19 situation – capacity building workshops can be organized through a combination of virtual or in-person meetings with local partners, crowdfunding experts, and our team

The academy is run on Kaya, a global learning platform by the Humanitarian Leadership Academy. If you’d like to run a crowdfunding academy in your country, please get in touch with us at irh.innovation@undp.org.


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