
Reinventing urban mobility and public transportation in Chisinau

The project is aimed at supporting improved mobility and use of public transportation by at least 5%, by mapping the user journey and crowdsourcing new locations and routes for bus stops that respond to the needs of residents.

Tackling air pollution in North Macedonia

The project aims to demonstrate a multi-pronged intervention to tackle air pollution in the City of Skopje. It complements the ongoing efforts to improve data collection and to enhance the coordination among all the responsible actors aimed at ensuring a holistic government and societal response to the air pollution challenge.

Re-shaping cities in Serbia

The general goal of the project is to observe habits and understand the needs of people with disabilities in cities and to co-design systems and activities which contribute to improving the quality of life through greater accessibility.

Placemaking: urban co-design as a catalyst for change

The project aims to generate efficiency gains and transparency in new planning processes by mapping public space usage, collecting alternative data (e.g. human traffic patterns, crime rates, transport traffic analysis) and using alternative forms of resident participation.