UNDP Kazakhstan: Air Quality, Community, and the Right to the City
Everyone has the right to live in cities that are comfortable, accessible, and environmentally clean, where public spaces prioritize human well-being and inclusivity. Indeed, many urban theorists argue that modern city development is overly centered on production, efficiency, and profit, which comes at the expense of livability, community engagement, and […]
When learning questions are met with more questions
At the end of 2023, the Innovation team at UNDP Europe and Central Asia initiated a more structured exploration of how to strengthen the team’s […]
UNDP publishes 2023 Annual Report for the Slovak Transformation Fund
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Europe and Central Asia released its 2023 Annual Report for the Slovak Transformation Fund (STF), funded by the […]
Adopting portfolio approaches in Kazakhstan: Almaty Air Quality Portfolio
In tackling escalating social and environmental challenges, it is becoming clear that traditional project-based innovation methods, with their predefined objectives, outcomes and fixed timelines, often […]
Catalyzing sustainable urban futures by embracing complexity
Climate change, technological disruption and other issues are profoundly shaping the trajectory of our cities. Interconnected challenges are converging in front of us, creating a […]
UNDP Kazakhstan: Air Quality, Community, and the Right to the City
Everyone has the right to live in cities that are comfortable, accessible, and environmentally clean, where public spaces prioritize human well-being and inclusivity. Indeed, many […]
When learning questions are met with more questions
At the end of 2023, the Innovation team at UNDP Europe and Central Asia initiated a more structured exploration of how to strengthen the team’s […]
UNDP publishes 2023 Annual Report for the Slovak Transformation Fund
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Europe and Central Asia released its 2023 Annual Report for the Slovak Transformation Fund (STF), funded by the […]
Adopting portfolio approaches in Kazakhstan: Almaty Air Quality Portfolio
In tackling escalating social and environmental challenges, it is becoming clear that traditional project-based innovation methods, with their predefined objectives, outcomes and fixed timelines, often […]
Catalyzing sustainable urban futures by embracing complexity
Climate change, technological disruption and other issues are profoundly shaping the trajectory of our cities. Interconnected challenges are converging in front of us, creating a […]
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Portfolios in UNDP
In 2022-2023, I had the privilege of joining UNDP’s Mayors for Economic Growth (M4EG) for a temporary assignment under the Virtual Development Assignment Programme (VDAP). I supported […]
Almaty Air Quality Portfolio: Adopting Portfolio Approaches in Kazakhstan’s Economic Capital
In tackling escalating social and environmental challenges, it is becoming clear that traditional project-based innovation methods, with their predefined objectives, outcomes and fixed timelines, often […]
A Tale of Three Cities
Armenian municipalities take ownership of their development Armenia is a country of ancient histories and modern development. Walk through its capital Yerevan and you willpass […]
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